
While I was up north visiting my family for Christmas, I hiked to this beautiful (hidden) beach on Lake Superior. When people ask me where home is or where I feel the most comfortable, this lake automatically comes to mind. I am often humbled by the size and beauty of Superior. Listening to the rhythm of the waves is my lullaby, the most soothing sound I have ever heard.  

I wish I could live right along the shoreline somewhere. Unfortunately, I haven't found a job that allows for this yet, although, I am still looking. It's a really gorgeous place, I hope you get the chance to visit there some day if you haven't already been. I'm definitely biased but it's worth mentioning that this is the best lake out of all the great lakes... it's probably the best lake in the entire world but again, I'm incredibly biased. 

If you're wondering where the best coastal spots on the lake are, I'll give you a little tip: they're all awesome, there's not a single spot along this lake that isn't fantastic (save industrial spaces in cities and small communities). The best time of year to visit is, without a doubt, summer, when you can splash and swim to your heart's delight (usually your heart can only withstand about 20 minutes of the frigid waters). 

Happy 2012 - Don't forget to go outside and enjoy where you live!


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