PG: The place to be

Prince George, it's one of those places like Thunder Bay, you don't really visit unless you have some sort of good reason - like awesome friends! We have two wonderful friends living in PG who welcomed us into their home, taught us how to play citadels and made us many a delicious meal. Prince George resembles Thunder Bay in several ways, the primary industry is a paper mill, the city is small enough to feel cozy but large enough to have some of the fancier recreational activities and businesses that smaller towns lack and it is isolated in the beautiful Canadian wilderness.

We had a lot of things to do while we were visiting, despite our hosts' suggestion that their wasn't much going on in their neck of the woods. Rysio played a bit of dodgeball with our friends' team. We spent tons of time at the pool. We visited the art gallery (a local gem). We had cheese from the European deli. We visited Noah's Ark (a petting zoo) and saw tons of farm animals. We stopped in at the newly constructed University of Northern British Columbia. We hiked in the forest. We saw it all. 

If, for whatever strange reason, you one day find yourself in the middle of British Columbia, you probably won't be all that far from Prince George. Stop in and say hello, you won't regret it. I promise.

University of Northern British Columbia Campus

The photos below are from Michael Hosaluk's exhibit: Acts of Chairs at Two Rivers Art Gallery. Unlike most exhibits, guests are encouraged to interact with the art in the space. Remember kids, it's all fun and games until someone drops a chair on their finger!

My little creation: a dense, angular tangle of chairs
I love the shadows on the wall behind the tower of chairs. 


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