Steamy Days Part II

A couple of weeks ago Rysio and I went on our second "steam themed date" of the summer on the Portage Flyer in Huntsville. We really like to go on little adventures like that. I tease him that I will start a section of the blog called Tips from Rysio which will include such notable quotes as "You should go on little adventures every day... so that you feel like a pioneer." This actually pertained to our mini "offroading" expedition next to a Home Depot parking lot rather than the train but I think it is fitting to how we spend every day together. 

I bet you didn't know that Huntsville Heritage Place operates a miniature steam powered train (something we sadly missed out on at the Hamilton Museum of Steam and Technology). Of course there was no way Rysio would miss out on this mini adventure so we structured a day off around visiting this local attraction, never mind that that we were the only adults there who weren't accompanying children. We had a great time, Rysio admired the machinery and I took tons of photos. A perfect day was had by all (even though we had to visit several establishments before finding the perfect coffee to maintain our steam-powered-high). If you have children or you happen to be dating an engineer, the Portage Flyer comes highly recommended by us. 


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