I was having a really tough time deciding what to wear for Hallowe'en this year. The party will mark my re-entry into the civilized world, post bush-life, and I wanted to make the evening special with an exciting costume that wasn't cheaply pulled together from my closet (like the costumes of Hallowe'en past, see above). In recent memory I've been a ballerina, a beaten up Russian communist, a Sherrif, the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland (re-visioned) and an old gypsy woman.
I started constructing the headpiece for my costume yesterday and I will continue working on it this evening but I'd like to keep it a surprise. It's going to be entirely homemade and I'm almost certain I will be the only person wearing that costume at the party. I can't wait to see how everyone dresses up, I have such amazingly creative friends. I am prepared to be completely impressed.
hey, that's my hat!