Packing up, Moving on

Do you know that feeling, jumping off a diving board or a cliff? That's how I feel right now. One part excited, one part scared. I'm trying to imagine what the next two or three months will hold and I only see a bare skeleton of activities. I have a very faint idea of what I'll be up to. A bit of travelling here, visiting friends and family there, bouncing from place to place. The anticipation is the best feeling I've had in a while.

I didn't think I could make it six months in a tiny room in the middle of Algonquin Park. I feel incredibly resilient and pleased to close this chapter of my life knowing that I never gave up. I have a lot of great memories, a lot of quirky stories and a couple of neat mementos.

Soon I will be driving away from this job, my home and the community that has been my entire life for six months. Scary, right?! I have so much on my mind and so many things left to pack. It's still a great feeling though, moving on.


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