The Light is Growing Brighter Now

Taking a break at the cliff on Two Rivers trail. 

We're almost done here at the Lodge, with less than two weeks to go most of the staff is anxiously anticipating life in the real world. Here are a couple of lists I've been compiling in my head lately:

I am looking forward to:
Making a little nest for Rysio and I to enjoy
Preparing my own meals
Eating at delicious restaurants (Bread Bar, Mulberry St. Cafe, Bronzies, Mex-I-Can, Sapporo)
Art crawls, art galleries, museums and other cultural excursions
Hanging out with friends, parties, being near like-minded folk
The library
The farmer's market
Thrift shopping
Crafting, art nights and witnessing the aftermath of a creative hurricane
Playing the piano in privacy
Going to shows at This Ain't Hollywood, The Winking Judge, Skydragon and other cool spaces

I am not looking forward to:
Crowds of people - noisy, rude and kind of gross
Car exhaust everywhere I go
Traffic Jams
Commuting to work
The long amount of time it takes to get everywhere
Being far away from the forest and lake

Things I will miss about Algonquin Park:
Beautiful Cache lake
Abundant fungi
Trips to the P Store for ice cream
The amazing colours
The interesting coworkers and guests I've met
Learning things about cooking and baking
All of the lovely animals I've seen (beaver, moose, deer, fish, hare, grouse, heron, birds of every colour, chipmunk, squirrel, mice, otter, fox, turtle and others!)


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