Lest we forget...

Many summers ago, I worked on a docked WWII ship in Hamilton harbour. I spent my days giving tours and fielding questions about life on a Canadian ship. Today I remembered many of the great veterans who worked on HMCS Haida and her sister ship, HMCS Athabaskan, among other amazing men and women who have contributed to the armed forces. 

I learned many amazing and interesting things on the ship, I could explain a twin turbine steam powered engine to almost any guest and my favourite part of giving a tour was explaining how the sailors on board lived their day to day lives. For instance, they would often steal potatoes, wrap them in tinfoil and leave them on a pipe in the boiler room or engine room to make a delicious hot potato snack. Most of the men on board slept on hammocks which were allegedly far more comfortable than the beds used by the officers and captain. If you were ever wondering if you should call something a ship or a boat there is an easy trick to remember: ships carry boats. In other words, boats are small and ships are large. Just warning you: if you ever decide to visit HMCS Haida on Hamilton's waterfront and you call her a boat, you'll risk getting the cut-eye from one of the volunteers.   

HMCS Haida National Historic Site
658 Catharine Street North



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