
Even though I've been in Algonquin Park for about two and a half months now, I still haven't been out camping-for-real in a tent. There have been plenty of opportunities for camp-like activities: canoeing, kayaking, hiking, swimming off the dock, making arts and crafts, checking out the wildlife and collecting Labrador Tea (don't tell the park authorities on me! I promise I harvested sustainably). I have not slept in a tent and I have not used my new sleeping bag (although I was tempted to use it the night our sheets were still damp from being out on the line... and by line I mean thrown over our balcony railing in true camp-style).

Needless to say I've been feeling a bit anxious about getting out for a real night under the stars. I'm feeling a bit nostalgic for some of the camping trips Rysio and I took last summer so I thought I'd share a couple of photos. On this trip we stayed at Killbear Provincial Park but we also tented at Rondo and Pancake Bay during 2011.

We're deliberating on what to do for our day(s) off this week. Rysio is off tomorrow and Friday, whereas I work until 11:00 tomorrow night and then I'll be off Friday. We were considering a quick jaunt in to Ottawa or Toronto but the thought of all that driving seems unbearable. I think we might test out the tourism in our own neck of the woods and pitch a tent somewhere nearby. There's even an adorable little island not to far from the Lodge that seems like it might be the perfect getaway, although I'll be really nervous paddling in dark! Either way, I am looking forward to some much needed R&R for R&R (rest and relaxation for Robin and Rysio)!


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