
I was lucky to have a wide selection of electives to choose from in university. One of my favourite courses was The History of Graphic Design, which gave a thorough overview of the development of Art. The most enjoyable part of the course was discussing the development of writing, from cuniform on clay tablets to the printing of the Gutenburg Bible. As a word-nerd, I was head over heels for all of the new information. At the same time, my friend Gillian was going to school at OCAD in Toronto and she was taking a class which focused on Typography so we spent lots of time chatting about different typefaces. Ever since then I have noticed the way words are written with curiousity and admiration. Typography is something you can never think about for your whole life but once you've learned the basics it becomes impossible to ignore.

I was sitting on the dock enjoying the sunshine the other day when I noticed an interesting typographical choice in lettering on the boat. Someone had obviously lost their lower case 'm' and needed to improvise. I'm sure very few people have noticed this detail but it made me smile, it's "make-do" logic.


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